Homemade Chocolate

Homemade chocolates make a nice gift within a homemade origami box. Differently shaped silicone ice-cube trays are perfect to use if you have them. Apparently a thermy makes the melting and mixing stage a breeze.

  • 140 – 150g cacao (not cocoa) powder
  • 280 – 300g cacao butter
  • 100 – 130g honey, maple syrup or brown rice syrup
  • 1 – 1.5 tsp salt
  • food-grade essential oils. Make sure these are not just for aromatic, topical use. I like orange, vanilla and peppermint.
  • optional spices, like cardamom or cinnamon
  • optional other ingredients like nuts and desiccated coconut


  1. Cacao butter will melt much faster and more evenly if it is chopped up first. Use a food processor or thermy for this. Then melt it. Apparently it the heat shouldn\’t exceed 60C (if using a thermy). I don\’t have a thermy so I put my shavings into a pyrex bowl and sit this on the side of a pot of boiling water (submerged) on the stove.
  2. Once it\’s melted, add all ingredients (except the heavier ones like nuts and coconut flakes) together and taste-test. Don\’t let it stand for too long without stirring because the salt tends to collect on the bottom. (Your last chocolates will be much saltier than your first ones.)
  3. Spoon or pour the mixture into silicone moulds and then add your nuts or coconut flakes to these individually.
  4. Place in the fridge (or freezer) for about half an hour.

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