Dboy was after a pair of climbing pants so I figured these would do. He NEVER buys clothes, will patch things to death, and his current climbing faves are falling to bits. This project was kind of successful in that he’s more than happy to wear these climbing – but also a fail because they were waaaay too tight in the legs.
From reading other reviews before I started, I knew this could be a problem so I added extra width before I cut it out. Alas, not enough. I should note that Dboy not only climbs but does tai chi and rides a fixie to work so his legs are fairly strong, but still, he ain’t no body-builder. My advice to other sewists is to add lots of width to the pattern and cut back during construction if you need to. …You can always take away but you can’t put back. In the end, I slashed some splits above each knee. At first I feared this would make it a bit feminine but of course, he couldn’t care less so neither do I. Easy to please.